Tag: <span>Food</span>


Hands down one of the most versatile ingredients you will use on a day to day basis. They are cheap, high in protein and easy to work with. Brown or white doesn’t really make much of a difference as long as they are fresh. If you’re not sure, place one …


This is just one of those things that you need to learn to make. It’s a simple staple grain but in comes in hundreds of species so don’t be afraid to play around. This my friends is the ultra simple recipe for white rice. Mise En Place Colander Large pot …


Smoking is hands down one of my all time favorite methods of cooking and can be used in a much wider range than most people think. It’s one of the oldest cooking methods and acts to preserve the food while at the same time enhancing flavors. Low and slow is …


Other than a good Knife, the best piece of equipment you can buy is a standard 9 inch saute pan since it’s something that is almost always going to be used when making just about any meal. Need to make Roux? Get out your Saute pan. Need to make French …


Roasting is one of the most basic methods in cooking and for all intents and purpose it’s the same thing as baking. You’re surrounding the food with hot dry air. So yes, technically you roast a cake. If you’re using your oven, you’re roasting unless you’re broiling (see below). There …


This is one of the least used methods that people cooking at home use and I get it, hot grease burns like a bitch. But the truth is, as long as you use a digital thermometer, pay attention to the temp and don’t overload the fryer it’s not that hard. …