Category: <span>Basics</span>


If I had to point my finger at the biggest problem that I see with modern society right now, I would first tell you that my perspective is extremely skewed and that I’m the last person to be judging anyone…….. But if pressed for an answer, which happened recently, I …

The Mighty Garlic

When you cook garlic it loses some of the punch and develops a richer, almost sweeter flavor. When you roast the Garlic in oil, the oil will pick up the flavor. You then have both roasted garlic that can be used in everything from Red sauce to spread on baguettes …


It’s fat and flour, cooked and used to thicken sauces, soups, gravies and things of that sort. Its one the most simple things you can make but it’s also one of the most important tools you can have. Depending on what you’ll be using it with, you mix equal parts …


This is another one of those basics that’s used in the Kitchen yet most people don’t really understand. It’s a simple mix of Onions, Carrots and Celery that’s the base to various stocks and sauces in Western cuisine. The part that most people get wrong is the ratio by weight. …


One of the easiest methods in all of cooking is often one of the most overlooked so before I cover anything else, lets talk about Brining. All Brining means is to take a piece of meat and soak it in cold water with equal parts of Salt and Sugar for …