Category: <span>Main course</span>

Pasta Corbeau

I was thinking about something not even remotely food-related when one of the “voices” in my head just randomly blurted out “Dude, wouldn’t it be cool if we painted strips of pasta dough with tomatoes and herbs then rolled it up?”. That’s why I have 5 pounds of Roma’s reducing …


It’s funny that this is actually one the base recipes that was brought up when this whole concept was conceived due to the fact that there are a thousand ways to make it but it still comes down to some basic key components. Chili has always been one of my …


This is a classic Seafood dish that’s a long standing favorite with a lot people and it’s easy to make a day in advance if you plan on having guests since it’s served cold. Make sure that you take the time to get fresh seafood for this since quality is …

Trilogy Meatballs

I wasn’t really excited when I was asked to make meatballs but I’m always up for a chance to play. So I got really stoned and this is the result, a core of Bacon wrapped in spicy sausage wrapped in another layer of sweet Italian sausage then coated with breadcrumbs. …

Steamed Clams

Steaming Clams is a simple way to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary with only a few simple ingredients. Like most things, everyone has there own way to make this dish but I like to keep it basic so that you get the flavor of the clams. The white …